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Why Should I Become A Project Manager And How Do I Get There

Across the globe including U.S., China, India and European Countries, PM jobs are in huge demand.  In 2010, the average salary for a Project Manager Professional was $98,082, and the demand for PM continues to grow today. Many organizations are using Project Managers(PM) to get projects done. PM helps brings projects to life. A project is a unique job with a specific goal, with timelines and in most cases a budget.

Many of us have completed projects throughout our life and probably didn’t realize the steps involve. For example, just imagine you decided to complete a basement project for family fun and entertainment. In completing the basement, there are many small jobs (work breakdown structure) that must be completed before finishing the basement. You first must look at your budget. You should then consider the design of the basement, permits (dealing with the county/municipalities can be a project within itself), framing, electrical, plumbing, drywall, ceiling, carpet and any other amenities you would like to include. All of which to be completed by a deadline otherwise, the project can go on and on and on and never getting completed. Other examples of doing a project: landscape a backyard, planning a surprise birthday party, move into a new house or apartment, start a new marketing campaign, building a bridge or implementing a school safety plan etc.


More Benefits of Project Management


  • PM manage the project team members, and are ultimately responsible for the project’s success or failure.
  • PM can be instrumental in increasing profits for organizations.
  • PM keeps employees focused on why a project is important and its goals.
  • PM coordinates with other departments like Marketing, HR, I.T. Sales to help streamline processes.
  • PM is the great communicator, keeping stakeholders informed through all phases of the project.

According to the Project Management Institute’s Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, project management is divided into 5 process groups:


Initiation – decide to go or not go with the project

Planning – identifying all the work that is needed for the project and the project cost

Execution – doing the work – building the product

Controlling – evaluating and reporting project status

Closing – handoff project and officially accepting the project as being complete.


So how do I become a Project Manager Professional? The eligibility requirements depend on your educational and or experience level:

  1. If you hold a high school diploma you will need a minimum 5 years unique non- overlapping professional project management experience during which at least 7500 hours has been spent leading and directing projects. And 35 hours of formal education at an approved program/school


  1. If you hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, then you need a minimum or 3 years unique non-overlapping professional project management experience during which at least 4500 hours has been spent leading and directing projects. And 35 contact hours of formal education at an approved program/school.

For additional details about becoming a Project Manager review the PMI Credentials Handbook.


If college is not for you, what are some alternatives? The top 10 jobs that pay well, that do not require a college degree.

If college is not for you there are others ways one can be successful without the traditional 4-year college. Education is critical; college is not. There are numerous careers, in healthcare, technology, operations, transportation, and the building trades; that do not require a four-year degree. And as you advance in these careers, there is nothing stopping you from pursing a college degree at a later age, which may better suit you. Below is a list of alternatives to the traditional 4-year college.

  • Learn a Trade
  • Get a Job
  • Travel
  • Attend Community College
  • Join the Military

Listed below are the top 10 jobs that do not require a college degree.

Gas plant operators- Gas plant operators process and distribute gas for utility companies.

Electrical power-line installers and repairers- Install or repair cables or wires used in electrical power or distribution systems. May erect poles and light or heavy duty transmission towers

 Postmasters and mail superintendents- Postmasters and mail superintendents manage and coordinate the activities of postal workers.

Transportation inspectors- work in industries such as rail transportation, air transport and urban transit systems. They inspect equipment to ensure that both people and cargo are transported safely.

Gaming managers- Gaming managers direct and oversee the gaming operations within a casino. 

Power Plant Operators- power plant operators manage the system that distribute and generate electric power over an area.

Detectives and criminal investigators- Investigate crimes of all kind

Commercial pilotfly aircraft for charter flights, rescue operations, firefighting, aerial photography, and aerial application, also known as crop dusting.

Plumber- tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable (drinking) water, sewage and drainage in plumbing systems.

 Transportation, storage and distribution managersTransportation, storage and distribution managers are responsible for much of the infrastructure that businesses rely on to ship goods domestically and internationally.


Great Schools Have 7 Characteristics In Common


  1. Hiring Excellent Teachers. What goes into hiring great teachers? Are they experienced? Are they credentialed? Do they have passion? Are they team players, etc.  As great teachers are hired, students are given a greater chance for being outstanding students and ultimately raise the bar for being one of the top schools in the state. When great teachers get recognized at a school, it automatically raises the school credibility. Qualities that have been identified in the past of hiring anyone great have been passion for their craft and experience.
  2. Delegation of Responsibilities. Relinquishing powers to key people in charge. Ultimately, your direct reports should have clear roles and responsibilities on what should be carried out and how it should be carried out with reasonable deadlines. Ideally, direct reports should be provided to the leaders of the school on a regular basis. The benefits of appointing key people in leadership roles is that it allows the top leaders to have greater vision in seeing how the process is working and being proactive in making critical changes.
  3. Student Discipline Most superior rated schools have one thing in common and that is a strong consistent discipline program. Each infraction should clearly be outline and followed according to the student codes of conduct. Many schools are getting parents/ students to sign an agreement to the codes of conduct and it is consequences. Consistency across the board should be paramount when it comes to discipline. A strong discipline team goes along way with minimizing problems.
  4. Policies for Staff. There should be written policies for staff holding them accountable for doing their jobs and consequences when staff does not carry out their responsibilities.
  5. Resources and Development. Staff should always be given the opportunity to improve in areas that is needed. Having adequate resources goes along ways in mitigating allegations of a lack of “training or support to do my job”. Coaching/professional development is a great way of providing such resources.
  6. After School Activities. After school activities should be developed, as it would help with providing school spirit/growth. Some examples could be intramural basketball, flag football, cheer leading, debate club, yearbook committee which could include student photographers which all contributes to a well rounded education.
  7. Develop a parenting initiative. Students have greater chance of succeeding in school when parents reinforce learning at home. Develop “give backs” for parents as a motivation to get them more involved in school. Some examples of give backs could include: parenting classes on teaching parents on how to be better parents/more supportive.  Have a competition night of a sporting event between staff or students/parents and turn it into a fundraiser to benefit something at the school. Have a one month exercise class for parents/teachers. Find out what skill a parent may have and let the parent take the lead on getting other parents involve.  Parents can also reinforce discipline by volunteering at critical times that is needed such as when children are arriving for school, lunch time etc. If parents feel they are getting something, they are more likely to give something which could be their support and time.